the best my body has looked. I keep looking at that photo…and I can’t believe it’s not photoshopped.

- Justin M



Jenna Persico. age 30 online client

Working with Andrew has transformed both my body and my attitude towards health and wellness. As an avid cross fitter for the past 8 years, i made the decision to freeze my eggs in January, forcing me to take a full month off of exercise for the first time in a decade. I decided to work with Andrew surrounding nutrition during that time to give me a sense of control throughout the process and then transitioned to remote training when I was cleared to exercise.

In the few months that followed, my body became significantly leaner and more toned, and for the first time i have friends commenting on my abs! But what really set this experience apart has been Andrew as a coach and individual. His responsiveness, even through remote programming, has been unparalleled. He consistently adjusts my macros based on my results that week, and switches workouts on a dime if I have a last minute work trip that only gives access to a hotel gym.



I look great, have more energy than ever, and my programming feels incredibly personalized and intentional. Andrew, you’re the best!

- Jenna

Holly S. age 46 Tribeca, NYC

I started working with Andrew 3 years after my youngest son was born. I had been stuck at my delivery weight less 10 pounds, no matter what I did or ate (or didn’t eat). I was beyond frustrated and my energy was always lower than I liked. As an entrepreneur and mom of 2, I needed a sustainable solution.

In our intake call, Andrew asked me what my goals were. I told him I wanted to get stronger for my kids, have a more toned physique, and have more energy for my kids and work.

While I didn’t expressly focus on the scale, since working with Andrew, I’m FINALLY down 8-10 pounds and back to my pre-babies weight with 2-3 workouts a week. My clothes fit better (my pre baby #1 clothes fit again!),

I’m definitively stronger, and I’m always mentally more energized after our workouts. In addition, I’ve gained a coach and community that inspire me to be stronger, be healthier, and be happier!

I’m definitively stronger, and I’m always mentally more energized after our workouts.

- Holly

Laura B. age 38 Battery Park City, NYC

I started training with Andrew when I was a mom of 2 small kids and working full time. I had a lifetime of chronic back pain and was hoping getting stronger would help. 

We set this as our goal from the beginning. 

3 years later, I am stronger, with no more chronic pain, can keep up with my active kids, and have gone down 2 dress sizes in the process. 

Andrew keeps me accountable, he’s flexible, he checks in and he customizes the plan to my needs.

Andrew keeps me accountable, he’s flexible, he checks in and he customizes the plan to my needs.


Claire B. age 36 New York City


5 mos later